Host name


Since IP addresses are rather difficult to remember (and are not particularly descriptive), the Internet also allows the user to specify a computer by a name rather than a number string. This whole string is known as the comput er’s host name. There are two options are available. Show and Change. By using this module the user can view or modify host name.

Help command

This command can function about the objectives and commands available under host name module. It also explains the command to modify host name module. Before modify host name, the user read this help command explains its function.

cleopatra hostname help

The following screen shot can bring to mind it.


Hostnames are typically used in an administrative capacity and may appear in computer browser lists, active directory lists, IP address to hostname resolutions, email headers, etc. When the user want to change the host name, can use the following command.

cleopatra hostname change –hostname=”kevellcorp”

From the above command the new host name can enter.


This module is a perceptible process to view host name under Cleopatra by just using the command given below,

cleopatra hostname show

After key in the command, it shows the host name.


Parameters Alternative Parameter Options Comments
cleopatra host name Instead of Hostname we can use Hostname,hostname Show System starts showing the host name process under cleopatra
cleopatra hostname change –hostname=”Name” Instead of Hostname we can use Hostname,hostname Change System starts changing the host name process under cleopatra|


  • Hostnames may be simple names consisting of a single word or phrase, or they may be structured.
  • Hostnames can be non-sensitive.
  • Hostname can view and modified easily.
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