

The Cleopatra is an automation drive that allows DevOps Engineers, system administrators, infrastructure managers in performing the Configuration Management, Systems Automation and Infrastructure with the aid of php. It provisions the entire projects of the users automatically.

This can also be used for providing packages and configuration files to your projects. It ensures the environment stability of your project.

The modules under Cleopatra envelopes and satisfies the requirements of simple and as well as complex development environment while compared to other types of tools. By installing the Cleopatra tool, the functionalities of the entire Pharaoh tool gets covered.

Installing Cleopatra to your machine acts as a shorter route to complete installation of other Pharaoh tools. While executing the installation process of Cleopatra the most-recent updated version will gets ready to install, which is an added advantage.

Cleopatra aims to simplify the methods in package installation. And as well as it is secured for using, easily perceivable to the users.

Cleopatra assists in enveloping the entire management of all sizes. It enriches and fulfills the need of users of a management like the developers, system administrator, release engineers etc.

The coding system of Cleopatra is based in php. The Cleopatra is object-oriented that enrich not only the data type but also the types of operations that can be applied to the data.

Hence, while comparing object-oriented programming techniques over procedural programming techniques , the object-oriented programming enables the users to create modules that do not need to be changed when a new type of object is added.

It is extensible, as if any of the extra modules is required the users can frame and design the module as per their requirements and they can include.

And also it is easier to rewrite the code as per the needs of the users. Its documentation includes the Cleopatra’s current released version as 1.1.1.


Before installing the Cleopatra to your machine, ensure whether git and php5 exists in your machine or not. if not follow as given below

command to install git and php5 in ubuntu


apt-get install git


apt-get install php

command to install git and php5 in cent OS


yum install git


yum install php.

after completion of git and php5 installation, let’s see how to install the Cleopatra in your machine.

For Mac, Linux or Unix

It is simple by using the coding

git clone && sudo php cleopatra/install-silent

For Windows

It is simple, get the terminal open via the option “Run as Administrator”, and then apply the following coding,

git clone && php cleopatra\install-silent

Available Modules

DummyLinuxModule - Dummy Linux Module

AWSCloudFormation - The AWS CloudFormation CLI Tools

AWSCloudWatch - The AWS CloudWatch CLI Tools

AWSEC2 - AWS EC2 Server Management Functions

ApacheConf - Apache Conf - Install a Apache Configuration

ApacheModules - Apache Modules - Commonly used modules for Apache

ApacheReverseProxyModules - Apache Reverse Proxy Modules - Reverse Proxy/Load Balancer Modules for Apache

ApacheServer - Apache Server - Install or remove the Apache Server

Apt - Add, Remove or Modify Apts

Autopilot - Cleopatra Autopilot - User Defined Installations

Behat - Behat - The PHP BDD Testing Suite

Boxify - Boxify Wrapper - Create Cloud Instances

Chgrp - Chgrp Functionality

Chmod - Chmod Functionality

Chown - Chown Functionality

Chrome - Chrome - Install or remove Chrome

ChromeDriver - The Chrome Browser remote controlling server

Citadel - Citadel Server - Install or remove the Citadel Server

Cleofy - Cleopatra Cleofyer - Creates default autopilots for your project

Cleopatra - Cleopatra - Upgrade or Re-install Cleopatra

Composer - Composer - Upgrade or Re-install Composer

Copy - Copy Functionality

DNSify - DNSify Wrapper - Ensure the existence or removal of DNS records

Dapperstrano - Dapperstrano - The PHP Automated Website Deployment tool

DeveloperTools - Developer Tools - IDE’s and other tools for Developers

DigitalOcean - Digital Ocean Server Management Functions

DigitalOceanV2 - Digital Ocean Server Management Functions - API Version 2

Encryption - Encryption or Decryption of files

EnvironmentConfig - Environment Configuration - Configure Environments for a project

File - Functions to Modify Files

Firefox - Firefox - Install or remove Firefox

Firefox14 - Firefox 14 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server

Firefox17 - Firefox 17 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server

Firefox24 - Firefox 24 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server

Firefox33 - Firefox 33 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server

Firewall - Add, Remove or Modify Firewalls

GIMP - GIMP - The Image Editor

Gem - Ruby Gems Package Manager

Generator - Dapperstrano Autopilot Generator - Generate Autopilot files interactively

GitBucket - Git Bucket - The Git SCM Management Web Application

GitKeySafe - Git Key-Safe - Install a script for git to allow specifying ssh keys during commands

GitLab - Git Lab - The Git SCM Management Web Application

GitTools - Git Tools - Tools for working with Git SCM

HAProxy - HA Proxy Server - Install or remove the HA Proxy Server

HHVM - HHVM - The PHP Virtual Machine runtime from Facebook

Hostname - View or Modify Hostname

InstallPackage - Cleopatra Predefined Installers

IntelliJ - IntelliJ - A great IDE from JetBrains

Invoke - SSH Invocation Functions

JRush - JRush - The Joomla command line utility from Golden Contact

Java - Java JDK 1.7

Jenkins - Jenkins - The Java Build Server

JenkinsPlugins - Jenkins PHP Plugins - Common Plugins for Jenkins PHP Builds

JenkinsSudoNoPass - Configure Passwordless Sudo for your Jenkins user

LigHTTPDServer - LigHTTPD Server - Install or remove the LigHTTPD Server

Logging - Logging - Output errors to the logging

MediaTools - Media Tools - Tools to help view and manage Media files

Mkdir - Mkdir Functionality

ModuleManager - Manage the modules used in Cleopatra

MongoDB - MongoDB Server - The MongoDB Datastore Server

MysqlAdmins - Mysql Admins - Install administrative users for Mysql

MysqlServer - Mysql Server - The Mysql RDBMS Server

MysqlServerGalera - Mysql Server Galera - The Galera Clustering compatible version of Mysql RDBMS Server

MysqlTools - Mysql Tools - For administering and developing with Mysql

NagiosServer - Nagios Server - Install or remove the Nagios Server

NetworkTools - Network Tools - Tools for working with Networks

NginxServer - Nginx Server - Install or remove the Nginx Server

NodeJS - Node JS - The Server Side Javascript Engine

PECL - Add, Remove or Modify PECLs

PHPAPC - PHP APC - Commonly used PHP APC

PHPCI - PHPCI - The PHP Build Server

PHPCS - PHP Code Sniffer - The static code analysis tool

PHPConf - PHP Conf - Install a PHP Configuration

PHPMD - PHP Mess Detector - The static analysis tool

PHPModules - PHP Modules - Commonly used PHP Modules


PHPStorm - PHPStorm - A great IDE from JetBrains

PHPUnit - PHP Unit - The PHP Implementation of the XUnit Unit Testing standard

PackageManager - Native Package Manager Wrapper - Install OS neutral packages

PapyrusEditor - Papyrus Editor Web Interface

Parallax - Parallax - Execute commands in parallel

Pear - Pear Package Manager

Phake - Phake - The PHP task creation tool (Make/Rake)

PharaohTools - Pharaoh Tools - Gotta Install them all

Phlagrant - Phlagrant - The Virtual Machine management solution for PHP

Phrankinsense - Phrankinsense - The Pharaoh Tools Project Management Solution

Ping - Test a Ping to see if its responding

Port - Test a Port to see if its responding

PostInput - HTTP Post/Get Input Interface

PostgresServer - Postgres Server - The Postgres RDBMS Server

Process - Process Functionality

Python - Python - The programming language

Ra - Ra - The Pharaoh Tools Build Server

Rackspace - Rackspace/Opencloud Cloud Management Functions

RubyBDD - Ruby BDD Suite - Install Common Gems for Cucumber, Calabash, Capybara and Saucelabs

RubyRVM - Ruby RVM - The Ruby version manager

RubySystem - Ruby RVM System wide - The Ruby version manager system wide version

RunCommand - Execute a Command

SFTP - SFTP Functionality

SVN - SVN - The Source Control Manager

SeleniumServer - The Selenium Web Browser controlling server

Service - Start, Stop or Restart a Service

SshEncrypt - Install/encrypt private SSH keys

SshHarden - Apply security functions to the SSH accounts/setup of the machine

SshKeyInstall - Install SSH Public Keys to a user account

SshKeyStore - Install SSH Public Keys to a user account

SshKeygen - SSH Keygen - Generate SSH Kay Pairs

StandardTools - Standard Tools for any Installation

SudoNoPass - Configure Passwordless Sudo for any User

SystemDetection - System Detection - Detect the Running Operating System

Teamcity - Teamcity - The Jetbrains Build Server

Templating - Install files with placeholders or lines replaced at runtime

Testingkamen - Upgrade or Re-install Testingkamen

ThoughtWorksGo - The Continuous Delivery server from ThoughtWorks

UbuntuCompiler - For Compiling Linux Programs

User - Add, Remove or Modify Users

VNC - VNC - The Display Manager Solution

VNCPasswd - VNCPasswd - The Display Manager Solution

VSphere - VMWare VSphere - Server Management Functions

Varnish - The HTTP Cache

Virtualbox - Virtualbox - The local Virtual Machine Solution

WinExe - Add, Remove or Modify WinExes

WireframeSketcher - Wireframe Sketcher - the Wireframing application

Xvfb - Xvfb - The Display Manager Solution

Yum - Add, Remove or Modify Yum Packages

How to Use

Let us see, how to use the Cleopatra tool, first, simply type as


this command will list all the names of the modules that are available under Cleopatra. here, the screenshot denotes the display of all modules available under Cleopatra.

Kevells@Corp:/# cleopatra

Cleopatra - Pharaoh Tools

Configuration, Infrastructure and Systems Automation Management in PHP.

Can be used to set up a Development Client, Development Server, Testing Servers, SCM Servers or Production
Application Servers in minutes, out of the box, with Zero configuration across multiple Operating Systems.

You can quickly create simple or complex systems completely configured by code across platforms.

Using Convention over Configuration, a lot of common Configuration Management tasks can be completed with little or
no extra implementation work.


Available Commands:

DummyLinuxModule - Dummy Linux Module
ApacheConf - Apache Conf - Install a Apache Configuration
ApacheModules - Apache Modules - Commonly used modules for Apache
ApacheReverseProxyModules - Apache Reverse Proxy Modules - Reverse Proxy/Load Balancer Modules for Apache
ApacheServer - Apache Server - Install or remove the Apache Server
Apt - Add, Remove or Modify Apts
Autopilot - Cleopatra Autopilot - User Defined Installations
Behat - Behat - The PHP BDD Testing Suite
Boxify - Boxify Wrapper - Create Cloud Instances
Chgrp - Chgrp Functionality
Chmod - Chmod Functionality
Chown - Chown Functionality
Chrome - Chrome - Install or remove Chrome
ChromeDriver - The Chrome Browser remote controlling server
Citadel - Citadel Server - Install or remove the Citadel Server
Cleofy - Cleopatra Cleofyer - Creates default autopilots for your project
Cleopatra - Cleopatra - Upgrade or Re-install Cleopatra
Composer - Composer - Upgrade or Re-install Composer
Copy - Copy Functionality
DNSify - DNSify Wrapper - Ensure the existence or removal of DNS records
Dapperstrano - Dapperstrano - The PHP Automated Website Deployment tool
DeveloperTools - Developer Tools - IDE's and other tools for Developers
DigitalOcean - Digital Ocean Server Management Functions
DigitalOceanV2 - Digital Ocean Server Management Functions - API Version 2
Encryption - Encryption or Decryption of files
EnvironmentConfig - Environment Configuration - Configure Environments for a project
File - Functions to Modify Files
Firefox - Firefox - Install or remove Firefox
Firefox14 - Firefox 14 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server
Firefox17 - Firefox 17 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server
Firefox24 - Firefox 24 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server
Firefox33 - Firefox 33 - A version of Firefox highly tested with Selenium Server
Firewall - Add, Remove or Modify Firewalls
GIMP - GIMP - The Image Editor
Gem - Ruby Gems Package Manager
Generator - Dapperstrano Autopilot Generator - Generate Autopilot files interactively
GitBucket - Git Bucket - The Git SCM Management Web Application
GitCommand - Git Commands
GitKeySafe - Git Key-Safe - Install a script for git to allow specifying ssh keys during commands
GitLab - Git Lab - The Git SCM Management Web Application
GitTools - Git Tools - Tools for working with Git SCM
HAProxy - HA Proxy Server - Install or remove the HA Proxy Server
HHVM - HHVM - The PHP Virtual Machine runtime from Facebook
Hostname - View or Modify Hostname
InstallPackage - Cleopatra Predefined Installers
IntelliJ - IntelliJ - A great IDE from JetBrains
Invoke - SSH Invocation Functions
JRush - JRush - The Joomla command line utility from Golden Contact
Java - Java JDK 1.7
Jenkins - Jenkins - The Java Build Server
JenkinsPlugins - Jenkins PHP Plugins - Common Plugins for Jenkins PHP Builds
JenkinsSudoNoPass - Configure Passwordless Sudo for your Jenkins user
LigHTTPDServer - LigHTTPD Server - Install or remove the LigHTTPD Server
Logging - Logging - Output errors to the logging
MediaTools - Media Tools - Tools to help view and manage Media files
Mkdir - Mkdir Functionality
ModuleManager - Manage the modules used in Cleopatra
MongoDB - MongoDB Server - The MongoDB Datastore Server
MysqlAdmins - Mysql Admins - Install administrative users for Mysql
MysqlServer - Mysql Server - The Mysql RDBMS Server
MysqlTools - Mysql Tools - For administering and developing with Mysql
NagiosServer - Nagios Server - Install or remove the Nagios Server
NetworkTools - Network Tools - Tools for working with Networks
NginxServer - Nginx Server - Install or remove the Nginx Server
NodeJS - Node JS - The Server Side Javascript Engine
PECL - Add, Remove or Modify PECLs
PHPAPC - PHP APC - Commonly used PHP APC
PHPCI - PHPCI - The PHP Build Server
PHPCS - PHP Code Sniffer - The static code analysis tool
PHPConf - PHP Conf - Install a PHP Configuration
PHPMD - PHP Mess Detector - The static analysis tool
PHPModules - PHP Modules - Commonly used PHP Modules
PHPStorm - PHPStorm - A great IDE from JetBrains
PHPUnit - PHP Unit - The PHP Implementation of the XUnit Unit Testing standard
PackageManager - Native Package Manager Wrapper - Install OS neutral packages
PapyrusEditor - Papyrus Editor Web Interface
Parallax - Parallax - Execute commands in parallel
Pear - Pear Package Manager
Phake - Phake - The PHP task creation tool (Make/Rake)
PharaohTools - Pharaoh Tools - Gotta Install them all
Phlagrant - Phlagrant - The Virtual Machine management solution for PHP
Ping - Test a Ping to see if its responding
Port - Test a Port to see if its responding
PostInput - HTTP Post/Get Input Interface
PostgresServer - Postgres Server - The Postgres RDBMS Server
Process - Process Functionality
Python - Python - The programming language
RubyBDD - Ruby BDD Suite - Install Common Gems for Cucumber, Calabash, Capybara and Saucelabs
RubyRVM - Ruby RVM - The Ruby version manager
RubySystem - Ruby RVM System wide - The Ruby version manager system wide version
RunCommand - Execute a Command
SFTP - SFTP Functionality
SVN - SVN - The Source Control Manager
SeleniumServer - The Selenium Web Browser controlling server
Service - Start, Stop or Restart a Service
SshEncrypt - Install/encrypt private SSH keys
SshHarden - Apply security functions to the SSH accounts/setup of the machine
SshKeyInstall - Install SSH Public Keys to a user account
SshKeyStore - Install SSH Public Keys to a user account
SshKeygen - SSH Keygen - Generate SSH Kay Pairs
StandardTools - Standard Tools for any Installation
SudoNoPass - Configure Passwordless Sudo for any User
SystemDetection - System Detection - Detect the Running Operating System
Task - Task Wrapper - easily repeatable tasks
Teamcity - Teamcity - The Jetbrains Build Server
Templating - Install files with placeholders or lines replaced at runtime
Testingkamen - Upgrade or Re-install Testingkamen
ThoughtWorksGo - The Continuous Delivery server from ThoughtWorks
UbuntuCompiler - For Compiling Linux Programs
VNC - VNC - The Display Manager Solution
VNCPasswd - VNCPasswd - The Display Manager Solution
Varnish - The HTTP Cache
Virtualbox - Virtualbox - The local Virtual Machine Solution
WinExe - Add, Remove or Modify WinExes
WireframeSketcher - Wireframe Sketcher - the Wireframing application
Xvfb - Xvfb - The Display Manager Solution
Yum - Add, Remove or Modify Yum Packages

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Video Cast Instruction

What You can Learn Here

The Help command

If you want to know the purpose of a particular module, just type the command as follows:

cleopatra ModuleName help

this command will provide the usage of that particular module and also the available options in actions that you can perform. The screenshot shown under explains the usage of the module Behat under Cleopatra using the help command.

Kevells@Corp:/# cleopatra behat help

This command allows you to install Behat.

Behat, behat

- install
Installs the latest version of behat
example: cleopatra behat install

End Help

Playing with Cleopatra Modules

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