

PostgresServer is a general purpose and object-relational database management system. Use to install database. PostgresServer designed to run on LINUX-like platforms. However, PostgresServer is portable so that it could run on various platforms such as Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows. It allows you to add custom functions developed using different programming languages such as C/C++, Java, etc.

Help Command

This command helps to determine the usage of PostgresServer module. User will come to know about the different ways/format to execute this module. This command will guide the end user to know when and how the command to be used. Below given are the command and the screenshot of the same.

Cleapatra PostgresServer help
root@deepak:~# cleopatra PostgresServer  help

This command allows you to install the Postgres Server. Currently only
Postgres Workbench, the Database management GUI provided by Oracle for

PostgresServer, postgres-server, postgresserver

- install
Install some Postgres Server Tools through apt-get.
example: cleopatra postgres-server install

Notes, during postgres install a root password will be set. First, it'll look
for the parameter --postgres-root-pass, if this is not set, it'll look in the
cleopatra config for a postgres-default-root-pass setting, and failing both of
those it will just set the password for root to cleopatra.

End Help


When the user needs to install the module in machine. The below given command will execute the process of installation.

Cleapatra PostgresServer install


Parameters Alternative Parameter Options Comment
Cleopatra postgres-server Install PostgresServer, postgresserver, postgres-server Y System starts installation process
Cleopatra postgres-server Install PostgresServer,postgres server,postgres-server| N System stops installation process


  • User-defined types
  • Table inheritance
  • Sophisticated locking mechanism
  • Views, rules, sub-select
  • Nested transactions (save points)
  • Point-in-time recovery
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