Ubuntu Compiler


This module revitalize c program. Ubuntu and other Linux distributions have extensive package repositories to save the user from the trouble of compiling. With just a single command, you can build from source like a pro. It is comfort with Ubuntu and centOS.

Help command

This help command guide the user about Ubuntu compiler. It is less time consuming because it can installed automatically. Suitable for C program.

cleopatra Ubuntucompiler help

The following help command will assist the user for installation.

kevells@corp:/# cleopatra UbuntuCompiler help

 This allows you to Complie programs written in C Source

  UbuntuCompiler, ubuntu-compiler, ubuntucompiler

- install
Installs Ubuntu Compiling tools through apt-get.
example: cleopatra ubuntu-compiler install

End Help


This is a noticeable process to install Ubuntu compiler module under Cleopatra by just using the command given below,

cleopatra Ubuntu-compiler install

After giving the command, the Ubuntu compiler will be installed with new updates.

If the user input as N the following screen will come.

Kevells@corp:/# cleopatra UbuntuCompiler install
Install Ubuntu Compiler? (Y/N)

Single App Installer:
UbuntuCompiler: Failure
Installer Finished


Parameters syntax Comment
Install Ubuntu compiler? Y/N Yes Installed successfully
stop No Exit the screen|


  • Faster boot
  • Better security
  • Changing the kernel to pre-empt while compilation
  • Suitable for C program
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