
Nut shell

This module confess many owners. Linux can accept many groups.

How to use

It is an obvious process to change group module under Cleopatra by just using the command given below,

cleopatra chgrp path --yes --guess --recursive --path=/a/file/path --group=golden

After bounce the command it will change the group.

Benefits to the users

Change group can be used to change the group permission. It simplified the process. It is suitable for all types of user. We can give the command anywhere any time. Easy to operate.


Parameters Requirement Option Comments
chgrp Yes
It will the change group module under Cleopatra
Path Yes
Specify the path
group No Chgrp While changing user can specify the path.
group Yes chgrp Facilitate to change the new group name|

Help command

The help command interprets about the scope and the commands available under this modules. It also explains the command to change the group. The following screen shot visualize it translucently.

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