

This module enables to change owner’s permission. It change the permission on individual file Or directory. Before that you must be aware of the default permission assigned to your files and directories at the time you create it.

Help command

This help command explains about the installation of a particular module. The help command is easy to operate by the end user. The following command guided the user about the installation.

cleopatra chown help

After giving the command, the command will list the help options. The following screen shots will give visual effect for the usage of this module.

Kevells@corp:/# cleopatra chown help

 This command handles file user ownership changing functions.

  Chown, chown

- path
Will change the user ownership of a path
example: cleopatra chown path --yes --guess --recursive --path=/a/file/path --owner=golden

End Help


It is an excellent process for this module under Cleopatra by slightly using the command given below,

Cleopatra chown path –yes—guess—recursive—path=/Cleopatra—owner=Kevells

Then we can enter the input. Enter Ownership User After typing the owner name It will display Chown result success. This will visually shows by the following screen shot.

kevells@corp:/# cleopatra chown path --yes --guess --recursive --path=/phj.php --owner=deepak

Enter ownership user:
[Pharaoh Logging] [Chown] Executing chown -R deepak /phj.php

Chown Result: Success
Chown Finished

Benefits to the users

The module can change the owner at any time with Cleopatra. While doing recursive process if you change single file the entire folder can also be changed. We can verify the current status of the owner.


Parameters Required option Comments
Chown Yes  
Path Yes The user has to give the path
Owner Yes Chown  
Owner No Chown The user gives input as no, it will ask the owner name|
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