Ssh Harden


This module assists in creating and modifying sshhardens. The ssh harden facilitates security functions for the users SSH accounts.

Help Command

The help command leads the users regarding the purpose and as well as about the options that are included in the SSH harden module. The help command lists out the alternative parameters of SSH harden. It also describes the syntax for using SSH harden to securify. The help command for SSH harden is given below.

cleopatra SshHarden help

The syntax for declaring the help command is not case sensitive which is an added advantage. The following screenshot visualize you about the help command under SSH Harden.

Kevells@corp:/# cleopatra SshHarden help


This command allows you to modify create or modify sshhardens

SshHarden, sshharden, ssh-harden

- securify
Add some security to your SSH accounts
example: cleopatra ssh-harden securify

End Help


The command used for securifying the users SSH account via SSH harden is shown below:

cleopatra ssh-harden securify

After inputting the command as given above the installation of Ssh Hardening begins as shown in the tabular format.

Paramaters Alternative Parameter Options comments
Install Ssh Hardening? (Y/N) In Spite of Ssh Hardening, the following alternatives can also be used: SshHarden, sshharden, ssh-harden. Y(yes) If the user wish to proceed the installation process they can input as Y.
Install Ssh Hardening? (Y/N) In Spite of Ssh Hardening, the following alternatives can also be used: SshHarden, sshharden, ssh-harden. N(No)

If the user wish to Quit the installation process they can input as Y.

If the user proceeds the installation of Ssh harden that enables securifying the ssh account of users gets initiated. While the process of execution occurs, the sshd config gets modified that disallows root ssh login and as well as sshd config is modified that disallows password based ssh login. finally it will restarts the ssh service and display the results of completed Ssh Harden modifications. The following screen shot explains the above mentioned process pictorially.

Kevells@corp:~# cleopatra ssh-harden securify

Install Ssh Hardening? (Y/N)
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Reading File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: searchline in /opt/cleopatra/cleopatra/src/Modules/File/Model/FileAllOS.php on line 175
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Reading File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Reading File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: searchline in /opt/cleopatra/cleopatra/src/Modules/File/Model/FileAllOS.php on line 149
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Writing File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[Pharaoh Logging] /etc/ssh/sshd_config modified to disallow root ssh login
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Reading File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: searchline in /opt/cleopatra/cleopatra/src/Modules/File/Model/FileAllOS.php on line 175
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Reading File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Reading File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PHP Notice:  Undefined index: searchline in /opt/cleopatra/cleopatra/src/Modules/File/Model/FileAllOS.php on line 149
[Pharaoh Logging] [File] Writing File /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[Pharaoh Logging] /etc/ssh/sshd_config modified to disallow password based ssh login
[Pharaoh Logging] Restarting ssh service
ssh stop/waiting
ssh start/running, process 17375

SshHarden Modifications:

Ssh Hardening: Success

SshHarden Mods Finished


  • This Ssh harden acts as a enhancer that enables the security functions of the users SSH accounts.
  • The parameters used in help and securifying, installation operations are not case sensitive which is an added advantage while compared to others.
  • This module enables modification of ssh harden config that prohibits root ssh login, password based ssh login.
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