

Sudonopass used to run a particular command with root permissions. The interesting thing is that when the user use sudo for a particular command, system prompts the user for current user’s password. Once the user enter the password, the command runs with root privileges. This is suitable to work with Ubuntu and Cent OS.

Help command

This help command guide the user about sudonopass module. This is suitable for all type of business users. The help command shows a short list of the commands built into the sudonopass module. The following screen shot enumerate it.

kevells@corp:/# cleopatra SudoNoPass help

 This command allows you to add an entry to the system sudo file that will
 allow your user to have passwordless sudo. This is required for
 quite a few of the  builds provided by Golden Contact, as
 will perform test execution, software installs and more, silently.

 SudoNoPass, sudonopass, sudo-nopass, sudo-passwordless

- install
Installs the sudo without password entry
example: cleopatra sudo-nopass install

End Help


Use this module to install sudonopass on Ubuntu Linux system packages.

cleopatra sudonopass install

Install sudonopass ?(Y/N)

When the user gives input, as yes automatically it will install configure the root pass access for everybody. The following screen shot will explain it.

kevells@corp:/# cleopatra sudo-nopass install
Install Sudo w/o Pass for User? (Y/N)
*        Pharaoh Tools        *
*         Sudo NoPass!        *
Enter User To Install As:
The following will be written to /etc/sudoers
Please check if it looks wrong
You may not be able to use Sudo if it is incorrect!!!
Is this okay? (Y/N)
... All done!
Thanks for installing , visit for more

Single App Installer:
SudoNoPass: Success
Installer Finished


Parameters Dirctory(default) Output
Install sudonopass yes It will install sudonopass under Cleopatra
Install sudonopass No It will exit|


  • Sudonopass makes sure that root privileges are there for a specific command (or for a specific time) and not for the complete session as that may result in accidental misuse of root privileges.
  • The user can use sudonopass even grant limited privileges to a user. This is helpful when the user do not want a user to have control of all the root powers while doing a sudonopass.
  • The best advantage is that sudonopass requires user’s own login password rather than root password. This helps in keeping root password private and there is no need to change it even when a user (sudoer) leaves.
  • This file provides information on the commands that were execute using sudo and their time of execution. This helps administrator to keep track of even trusted users
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